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Finnea Nolvadex


50 tabs each tab contains 25mg Tamoxifen Citrate


Suggested Dosage and Administration

Men 10-40mg daily
Women 5-10mg daily (never exceed 40mg)

Bulk Order discounts: Buy 5/10/20 and receive $5/10/20 off each item.

Understanding Nolvadex: An Essential Anti-Estrogen for Bodybuilders

Nolvadex, known generically as Tamoxifen, is distinct from anabolic-androgenic steroids. Despite not being a steroid, it is a highly valuable and widely recommended compound among male and female bodybuilders. Its popularity and effectiveness are underscored by its extensive use and generally positive outcomes. Nolvadex belongs to the group of sex hormones and functions as a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM), making it an anti-estrogen.

The Role of Nolvadex in Fat Burning and Estrogen Management

While Nolvadex does not directly burn fat, its anti-estrogenic properties help maintain low estrogen levels, which can indirectly support fat loss. This makes it particularly useful during cutting phases of a bodybuilding regimen. By preventing estrogen from binding to its receptors, Nolvadex can help mitigate water retention and fat accumulation often associated with higher estrogen levels.

Nolvadex is especially beneficial when taken alongside potent androgenic steroids such as Dianabol, Anadrol 50, and various testosterone compounds. Athletes prone to water retention or those with a predisposition to gynecomastia (mammary dysfunction) often use Nolvadex as a preventive measure during steroid cycles. This allows them to use powerful steroids up to competition day, combined with a diuretic, to maintain a lean, ripped appearance.

Enhancing Muscle Definition and Post-Cycle Therapy

For those with already low body fat, Nolvadex can further enhance muscle hardness and definition. It is also a favored choice at the end of a steroid cycle. By increasing the body’s natural testosterone production, Nolvadex helps counteract the rebound effect of estrogen dominance that can occur when steroids are discontinued. This is crucial for restoring hormonal balance and minimizing post-cycle side effects.

However, it’s important to note that Nolvadex can have some drawbacks. In rare cases, it may inadvertently increase estrogen levels rather than lowering them. Additionally, it can weaken the anabolic effects of certain steroids. This is because some steroids, particularly testosterone compounds, rely on a certain level of estrogen to achieve their full anabolic potential. Athletes who use mild steroids like Primobolan, Winstrol, Oxandrolone, and Deca-Durabolin should weigh the benefits and potential downsides of using Nolvadex, as its anti-estrogenic action might reduce the effectiveness of these already moderate anabolic agents.

Dosage and Administration

Nolvadex is typically taken in tablet form, with the usual dosage being 10-20 mg once or twice daily. The tablets should be swallowed whole, without chewing, and taken with some liquid during meals to ensure optimal absorption.


Nolvadex stands out as an essential tool in the arsenal of many bodybuilders, offering significant benefits in estrogen management, fat reduction, and post-cycle recovery. However, like any compound, it should be used judiciously and with a thorough understanding of its potential effects. By carefully integrating Nolvadex into their regimen, athletes can maximize their gains while minimizing unwanted side effects, paving the way for improved performance and a well-defined physique.

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