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Finnea Turinabol


50 tabs each contains 25mg Chlordehydro-methyltestosterone

Suggested Dosage and Administration

Men 15-80mg daily
Women 5-10 mg daily


Bulk Order discounts: Buy 5/10/20 and receive $5/10/20 off each item.

Exploring Oral-Turinabol (OT): A Balanced Anabolic Steroid for Solid Muscle Gains

Oral-Turinabol (OT), a derivative of Dianabol, is known for its predominantly anabolic effects coupled with a relatively low androgenic component. This makes it an attractive choice for athletes seeking steady muscle gains without the pronounced androgenic side effects seen with other steroids.

Understanding the Anabolic and Androgenic Effects

On a scale of 1 to 100, Oral-Turinabol has an anabolic effect rating of 53 and an androgenic effect rating of only 6. In comparison, Dianabol, another popular anabolic steroid, has an anabolic effect of 90 and an androgenic effect of 45. This indicates that OT has a lower overall potency per milligram compared to Dianabol. Consequently, OT does not result in rapid gains in strength, weight, or muscle mass. Instead, it promotes solid muscle growth and, when taken over several weeks, can lead to significant strength gains.

One of the key benefits of Oral-Turinabol is that it does not produce the “puffy” appearance often associated with other steroids such as Testosterone, Dianabol, and Anadrol 50. The maximum blood concentration of Oral-Turinabol, when taken at doses of 10, 20, or 40 mg per day, is 1.5 to 4.5 times the endogenous testosterone concentration. This highlights the compound’s dose-dependent effectiveness.

Dosage and Administration

To determine the appropriate dosage of Oral-Turinabol, the following formula can be used:

\[ 0.4 \times \text{pound (body weight)} \times \text{days} = \text{number of tablets to take overall during the interval of intake} \]

For example, an athlete weighing 200 pounds would take approximately 20 mg per day (4 tablets of 5 mg each). However, in practice, many bodybuilders consume 40-50 mg per day, equivalent to 8-10 tablets of 5 mg. This higher dosage is often associated with good results, including solid muscle mass gains, noticeable strength improvements, low water retention, and minimal estrogen-related side effects.

Benefits for Powerlifters and Weightlifters

Oral-Turinabol is particularly popular among powerlifters and weightlifters due to its ability to promote lean muscle mass without significant water retention. This characteristic makes it ideal for athletes who need to maintain a specific weight class while still enhancing their strength and performance.

The relatively low androgenic component of OT reduces the risk of androgenic side effects such as acne, hair loss, and aggression, making it a safer option for many users. Additionally, the lower likelihood of estrogenic side effects, such as gynecomastia and water retention, further contributes to its favorable profile.


Oral-Turinabol (OT) offers a balanced anabolic steroid option for athletes seeking steady, solid muscle gains and strength improvements without the severe androgenic or estrogenic side effects associated with other steroids. Its dose-dependent effectiveness and low water retention make it a popular choice among bodybuilders, powerlifters, and weightlifters. By adhering to recommended dosages and monitoring their bodies’ responses, users can maximize the benefits of OT while minimizing potential risks.

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