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Original price was: $120.00.Current price is: $110.00.
Original price was: $120.00.Current price is: $110.00.

10ml multidose vial contains 150mg/ml Methenolone Enanthate



Generic HGH 100iu (HGH) 10iu/vial,10vial/kit,100iu/kit


12 x 10g Sachets w/ Royal Jelly, bee pollen, and rain forest herbs

Ingredients: Pure honey 97%, Eurycoma Longifolia 1%, Panax ginseng 1%, Bee larva powder 1%


50 tabs contain 25mg Oxymetholone

The strongest oral steroid available. Used for gaining mass.

Anabolic steroids promote the growth of skeletal muscle and the development of male sexual characteristics but do also have some other effects. Anadrol is the strongest and, at the same time, also the most effective oral steroid. Anadrol has an extremely high androgenic effect, which goes hand in hand with an extremely intense anabolic component – oxymetholone. The highly androgenic effect of Anadrol stimulates the regeneration of the body so that the often feared “over training” is unlikely to occur.

Suggested dosage:

A dosage sufficient for any athlete would be 0.5 – 0.8 mg. per pound of body weight/day. This corresponds to 2-8 tablets; i.e. 50-200 mg/day. Under no circumstances should an athlete take more than 200mg on any given day.


50 Tabs of 25mg Oxandrolone

Anavar or Oxandrolone was first developed in 1964 by Searle Laboratories to combat and treat conditions like rapid weight loss and muscle wasting like many other anabolic steroids. Compared to other anabolic steroids, Anavar is considered to be the safest for use for both males and females and its used quite extensively by athletes.

Suggested Dosage: (men) 50-80mg a day, (women) 10-20mg per day


Original price was: $110.00.Current price is: $10.00.




10ml multidose vial contains 250mg/ml Testosterone Esters

Testosterone-Propionate 30mg

Testosterone-Phenylpropionate 60mg

Testosterone-Isocaproate – 60mg

Testosterone-Decanoate -100mg

Suggested Dosage: Men 125-2000mg weekly


10ml vial contains 250mg/ml Testosterone Cypionate

Testosterone Cypionate is a single-ester, long-acting form of testosterone. Due to the length of its ester (8 carbons) it is stored mostly in the adipose tissue upon intra-musuclar injection, and then slowly but very steadily released over a certain period of time. A peak is noted after 24-48 hours of injection and then a slow decline, reaching a steady point after 12 days and staying there for over 3 weeks time. Of course most users of anabolics will not find adequate benefit in the use of this steady-point dose, so this product is normally injected once a week, making the very lowest dose higher than half the peak dose at any given time. This is roughly the starting blood level as well. A long-acting testosterone ester is a must-have in any mass-building cycle.

Testosterone is the most powerful compound there is, so obviously its perfectly fine to use it by itself. With a long-acting ester like Cypionate doses of 500-1000 mg per week are used with very clear results over a 10 week period. If you’ve ever seen a man swell up with sheer size, then testosterone was the cause of it. But testosterone is nonetheless often stacked. Due to the high occurrence of side-effects, people will usually split up a stack in testosterone and a milder component in order to obtain a less risky cycle, but without having to give up as much of the gains. Primobolan, Equipoise and Deca-Durabolin are the weapons of choice in this matter. Deca seems to be the most popular, probably because of its extremely mild androgenic nature.

Suggested dosage: 500-750mg per week for men

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