Oral Steroids


50 tabs each tablet contains 25 mg Methandienone

Dianabol is the oral steroid form of Methandrostenolone, which is available separately in injectable form. Dbol is a very quick acting steroid as indicated by its active life and is best used to build mass and strength in bulking cycles. It has one of the shortest half lives of all oral anabolic steroids and as a result is very effective in kick starting a cycle at the beginning of the cycle. Dianabol can also be used in later stages of a cycle where users need to eliminate plateaus.

Suggested dosage:

The recommended dosage for men is between 15 and 50mg per day but results can be seen at 20mg per day itself. 100mg per day is the maximum amount of Dianabol that anyone should use. For women, the dosage is much lower at between 5 and 10mg/day. 30mg per day is the recommended dosage for beginners and as Dbol is very is very strong, low doses are enough sometimes.


Clenbuterol liquid 30ml liquid oral at 200mcg/ml


50 tabs each tab 25mg Mesterolone

Proviron is also known as Provironum

Mesterolone is an orally active, 1-methylated DHT. Like Masteron, but then actually delivered in an oral fashion. DHT is the conversion product of testosterone at the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme, the result being a hormone that is 3 to 4 times as androgenic and is structurally incapable of forming estrogen. One would imagine then that mesterolone would be a perfect drug to enhance strength and add small but completely lean gains to the frame. Unfortunately there is a control mechanism for DHT in the human body. When levels get too high, the 3alpha hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzyme converts it to a mostly inactive compound known as 3-alpha (5-alpha-androstan-3alpha,17beta-diol), a prohormone if you will. It can equally convert back to DHT by way of the same enzyme when low levels of DHT are detected. But it means that unless one uses ridiculously high amounts, most of what is administered is quite useless at the height of the androgen receptor in muscle tissue and thus mesterolone is not particularly suited, if at all, to promote muscle hypertrophy.

Proviron has four distinct uses in the world of bodybuilding. The first being the result of its structure. It is 5-alpha reduced and not capable of forming estrogen, yet it nonetheless has a much higher affinity for the aromatase enzyme (which converts testosterone to estrogen) than testosterone does. That means in administering it with testosterone or another aromatizable compound, it prevents estrogen build-up because it binds to the aromatase enzyme very strongly, thereby preventing these steroids from interacting with it and forming estrogen. So Mesterolone use has the extreme benefit of reducing estrogenic side-effects and water retention noted with other steroids, and as such still help to provide mostly lean gains. Its also been suggested that it may actually downgrade the actual estrogen receptor making it doubly effective at reducing circulating estrogen levels.


50 tabs each contains 25mg Chlordehydro-methyltestosterone

Suggested Dosage and Administration

Men 15-80mg daily
Women 5-10 mg daily



50 tabs each contains 25 mg Stanozolol

Suggested Dosage and Administration

Men 25-75mg daily
Women 5-10mg daily



Genetix Anadrol 30mg/tab (Oxymetholone) Net Contents 50 Tablets

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