Injectable Steroids


Order in bulk and SAVE!
Order: 5 – 9 vials and SAVE $5/vial
Order: 10 – 19 vials and SAVE $10/vial
Order: 20 – 49 vials and SAVE $20/vial

*Bulk discount will be displayed in your shopping cart
**Don’t Forget the Sterile Water – Sold Here


Genetix NPP 100 (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate) 100mg/ml (10ml)

Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $35.00.
Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $35.00.

Order in bulk and SAVE!
Order: 5 – 9 vials and SAVE $5/vial
Order: 10 – 19 vials and SAVE $10/vial
Order: 20 – 49 vials and SAVE $20/vial

*Bulk discount will be displayed in your shopping cart
**Don’t Forget the Sterile Water – Sold Here


Order in bulk and SAVE!
Order: 5 – 9 vials and SAVE $5/vial
Order: 10 – 19 vials and SAVE $10/vial
Order: 20 – 49 vials and SAVE $20/vial

*Bulk discount will be displayed in your shopping cart
**Don’t Forget the Sterile Water – Sold Here

Original price was: $120.00.Current price is: $70.00.
Original price was: $120.00.Current price is: $70.00.

Order in bulk and SAVE!
Order: 5 – 9 vials and SAVE $5/vial
Order: 10 – 19 vials and SAVE $10/vial
Order: 20 – 49 vials and SAVE $20/vial

*Bulk discount will be displayed in your shopping cart
**Don’t Forget the Sterile Water – Sold Here

Original price was: $100.00.Current price is: $60.00.
Original price was: $100.00.Current price is: $60.00.

Order in bulk and SAVE!
Order: 5 – 9 vials and SAVE $5/vial
Order: 10 – 19 vials and SAVE $10/vial
Order: 20 – 49 vials and SAVE $20/vial

*Bulk discount will be displayed in your shopping cart
**Don’t Forget the Sterile Water – Sold Here

Showing 31–45 of 47 results