

50 tabs contain 25mg Oxymetholone

The strongest oral steroid available. Used for gaining mass.

Anabolic steroids promote the growth of skeletal muscle and the development of male sexual characteristics but do also have some other effects. Anadrol is the strongest and, at the same time, also the most effective oral steroid. Anadrol has an extremely high androgenic effect, which goes hand in hand with an extremely intense anabolic component – oxymetholone. The highly androgenic effect of Anadrol stimulates the regeneration of the body so that the often feared “over training” is unlikely to occur.

Suggested dosage:

A dosage sufficient for any athlete would be 0.5 – 0.8 mg. per pound of body weight/day. This corresponds to 2-8 tablets; i.e. 50-200 mg/day. Under no circumstances should an athlete take more than 200mg on any given day.


50 Tabs of 25mg Oxandrolone

Anavar or Oxandrolone was first developed in 1964 by Searle Laboratories to combat and treat conditions like rapid weight loss and muscle wasting like many other anabolic steroids. Compared to other anabolic steroids, Anavar is considered to be the safest for use for both males and females and its used quite extensively by athletes.

Suggested Dosage: (men) 50-80mg a day, (women) 10-20mg per day



50 tabs each has 25mg Exemestane

In the aromatization process, the aromatase enzyme converts these androgens to estrogen. If this conversion is excessive, bloat, depression, loss of libido, impaired fat loss, or even gynecomastia can occur. An aromatase inhibitor (AI) is an effective way to solve this problem.

In contrast to Arimidex and letrozole which work by reversibly blocking access to the aromatase enzyme, Aromasin actually inactivates individual enzyme molecules when it binds to them. There is really neither advantage nor disadvantage to this different mode of action. As with all aromatase inhibitors, Aromasin should be dosed to achieve optimal estradiol levels, not the lowest possible levels. When dosed correctly and achieving the same estradiol levels, it doesn’t make a difference what inhibition mechanism was used.

Dosing of Aromasin in anabolic steroid cycles is most commonly 12.5 mg every other day, 12.5 mg daily, or at most 25 mg daily.



50 Tabs of 25mg Cialis

No prescription required for male performance products such as Cialis and Viagra. Cialis is used to treat erectile dysfunction and decreased libido. Cialis works by aiding relaxation of blood vessels and increasing blood flow in the penis during sexual arousal, resulting in improved erectile function. Cialis is much longer lasting than Viagra. Effects can be felt anywhere between 36-48 hours. One of the less appealing effects of post-cycle-therapy is the decreased libido caused by the sudden absence of exaggerated testosterone levels in the body.


50 tabs contains 25mg Clomiphene Citrate

Clomid is also known as Clomifene, clomiphene, Andoxal, Omifin

Clomid is not an anabolic/androgenic steroid. Since it is a synthetic estrogen it belongs, however, to the group of sex hormones. In school medicine Clomid is normally used to trigger ovulation. Clomid also has a strong influence on the hypothalamohypophysial testicular axis. It stimulates the hypo-physis to release more gonadotropin so that a faster and higher release of FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone) occurs. This results in an elevated endogenous (body’s own) testosterone level.

Clomid is especially effective when the body’s own testosterone production, due to the intake of anabolic/androgenic steroids, is suppressed. In most cases Clomid can normalize the testosterone level and the spermatogenesis (sperm development) within 10- 14 days. For this reason Clomid is primarily taken after steroids are discontinued. At this time it is extremely important to bring the testosterone production to a normal level as quickly as possible so that the loss of strength and muscle mass is minimized. Even better results can be achieved if Clomid is combined with HCG or when Clomid is used after the intake of HCG.

Paradoxically, although Clomid is a synthetic estrogen it also works as an antiestrogen. The reason is that Clomid has only a very low estrogenic effect and thus the stronger estrogens which, for example, form during the aromatization of steroids, are blocked at the receptors. These would include those that develop during the aromatiz-ing of steroids. This does not prevent the steroids from aromatizing but the increased estrogen is mostly deactivated since it cannot attach to the receptors. The increased water retention and the possible signs of feminization can thus be reduced or even completely avoided. Since the antiestrogenic effect of Clomid is lower than those found in Proviron, Nolvadex, and Teslac it is mainly taken as a testosterone stimulant.

Clomid is a medication that promotes the production of the body’s own stimulating hormone, gonadotropin, which in turn increases the testosterone level. It is, for example, administered to women as a so-called antiestrogen to trigger ovulation (“ovulation stimulator”).

Side effects of Clomid are very rare if reasonable dosages are taken. Possible side effects are climacteric hot flashes and occasional visual disturbances which can manifest themselves in blurred vision, giving flickering or flashing. Should visual disturbances occur, the manufacturer recommends discontinuing Clomid treatment. Inad-equate liver functions cannot be excluded; however, they are very unlikely. In women enlargement of the ovaries and abdominal pain can occur since Clomid stimulates the ovaries. When taking Clomid multiple pregnancies are possible as well. As for the dosage, 50-100 mg/day (1 -2 tablets) seems to be sufficient. The tablets are usually taken with fluids after meals. If several tablets are taken it is recommended that they be administered in equal doses distributed through-out the day. The duration of intake has been rummored to not be taken for longer thatn 10-14 days. This is incorrect. Clinical studies with male patients have shown clomid to be used for up to a year or longer. Most athletes begin with 100 mg/day, taking two 25 mg tablet every morning and evening after meals. After the fifth day the dosage is often reduced to only two 25 mg tablet per day. It is normally not necessary to take the compound for more than ten days in order to increase the endogenous testosterone production.


50 tabs each 25 mcg Liothyronine sodium


Suggested Dosage and Administration

Men 25-75mg daily
Women 25-75mg daily (never exceed 75mg)


50 tabs each tablet contains 25 mg Methandienone

Dianabol is the oral steroid form of Methandrostenolone, which is available separately in injectable form. Dbol is a very quick acting steroid as indicated by its active life and is best used to build mass and strength in bulking cycles. It has one of the shortest half lives of all oral anabolic steroids and as a result is very effective in kick starting a cycle at the beginning of the cycle. Dianabol can also be used in later stages of a cycle where users need to eliminate plateaus.

Suggested dosage:

The recommended dosage for men is between 15 and 50mg per day but results can be seen at 20mg per day itself. 100mg per day is the maximum amount of Dianabol that anyone should use. For women, the dosage is much lower at between 5 and 10mg/day. 30mg per day is the recommended dosage for beginners and as Dbol is very is very strong, low doses are enough sometimes.


50 tabs each has 2.5 mg/tab Femara-Letrozole

Letrozole is primarily used to ward any estrogenic side effects caused by the administration of anabolic steroids. Letrozole has been show to have the capability of reducing the level of estrogen in users’ bodies by up to 96-98%. This would seemingly be enough in itself to make the compound a desirable one with which steroid users would be interested in. However letrozole also has been shown to increase the amount of lutenizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, and sex hormone binding globulin in users (1). When you combine these attributes with the fact that it will help protect against gynocomastia, water retention and other estrogenic side effects letrozole obviously can fulfill many users’ needs.

Interestingly, it takes approximately 60 days to get a steady blood plasma level of letrozole once administration of the drug begins. This may necessitate that a user begin using the compound prior to beginning their cycle if they wish for the effects to be at full strength once their cycle begins. This may also hinder the ability of the compound to respond quickly if a user begins administration of the drug to counteract some side effects that have appeared quickly.


50 tabs each tab contains 25mg Tamoxifen Citrate


Suggested Dosage and Administration

Men 10-40mg daily
Women 5-10mg daily (never exceed 40mg)


50 tabs each tab 25mg Mesterolone

Proviron is also known as Provironum

Mesterolone is an orally active, 1-methylated DHT. Like Masteron, but then actually delivered in an oral fashion. DHT is the conversion product of testosterone at the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme, the result being a hormone that is 3 to 4 times as androgenic and is structurally incapable of forming estrogen. One would imagine then that mesterolone would be a perfect drug to enhance strength and add small but completely lean gains to the frame. Unfortunately there is a control mechanism for DHT in the human body. When levels get too high, the 3alpha hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzyme converts it to a mostly inactive compound known as 3-alpha (5-alpha-androstan-3alpha,17beta-diol), a prohormone if you will. It can equally convert back to DHT by way of the same enzyme when low levels of DHT are detected. But it means that unless one uses ridiculously high amounts, most of what is administered is quite useless at the height of the androgen receptor in muscle tissue and thus mesterolone is not particularly suited, if at all, to promote muscle hypertrophy.

Proviron has four distinct uses in the world of bodybuilding. The first being the result of its structure. It is 5-alpha reduced and not capable of forming estrogen, yet it nonetheless has a much higher affinity for the aromatase enzyme (which converts testosterone to estrogen) than testosterone does. That means in administering it with testosterone or another aromatizable compound, it prevents estrogen build-up because it binds to the aromatase enzyme very strongly, thereby preventing these steroids from interacting with it and forming estrogen. So Mesterolone use has the extreme benefit of reducing estrogenic side-effects and water retention noted with other steroids, and as such still help to provide mostly lean gains. Its also been suggested that it may actually downgrade the actual estrogen receptor making it doubly effective at reducing circulating estrogen levels.

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